Forests in Lithuania cover more than one-third of the country and probably no less a part of the Lithuanian heart. The forest is so important in our country’s folklore that we are one of the few countries in the world where children are given the names of trees: Eglė (Norwegian spruce), Ąžuolas (oak), Liepa (linden)…
While managing forests we understand and take into account all social, economic and ecological factors. We respect the forest, its history and the benefits it gives to people and the entire country.
Thanks to the company’s expertise and many years of experience, effective and sustainable forestry activities can be planned by Timbex specialists for the upcoming twenty years.
Our top forestry and forest management experts fully evaluate and account for not only each forest holding, but also each tree. In order to objectively assess the value of a particular forest holding our experts take into account the past, assess future potential and monitor current conditions of fauna and flora.
Forest management equipment used by Timbex is modern and innovative, ensuring an extremely precise and efficient work. Wood harvesting machines (or “harvesters”) can be operated only by highly skilled professionals who have been preparing for this work during several years of training.
When operating such a machine, one can objectively evaluate and determine the value of each tree, carry out an accurate harvesting. Thanks to an automated system, the experts decide which timber assortments to produce in order to meet the timber buyers’ needs.
A solid infrastructure is created to protect, preserve the forest and to prevent potential natural and human-induced hazards.
Forest protection is an integral part of sustainable forestry. The forest must be respected and protected to the maximum extent in each forest management stage.
Biofuel is an inexpensive and renewable energy source that is extracted locally.
The collection, preparation and sale of wood for bioenergy allows waste from wood cutting and other low-value timber (that is no longer suitable for high-end roundwood production) to be used in a meaningful way. Felling residue in the form of tree stumps, branches and stems as well as shrubs and brush can also be used in bioenergy production.
The use of biomass as an energy source is increasing in Lithuania and around the world without increasing the scale of forest harvesting on account of the rational use of felling residue and through the cultivation and harvesting of short-cycle tree and shrub species for energy production.
Purposeful planting of trees allows for regeneration of the forest with even better quality trees than there were before.
Professional manual afforestation and spontaneous natural regeneration are necessary conditions for growing a sustainable and resistant forest. This ensures the forest growth cycle and also determines the value of a higher quality timber in the future.
Everyone can relax in nature and take a break from reality. The forest embraces with its majestic calmness and harmony. It always feels good to listen to the chirping of birds, the rustle of the trees, to breathe fresh air, smell pleasant pine scent and feel a slight gust of wind.
It makes no difference if you relax actively or are more contemplative. Just ten minutes among the trees gives you inner peace and positive energy.
We regenerate with the forest. Let’s appreciate that.
Forest acquisition: (+370) 686 70493 Bioenergy trade: (+370) 687 42991 Timber trade: (+370) 616 80460
UAB „Timbex“ Vilniaus str. 31, LT-01402, Vilnius T +370 5 269 1000 F +370 5 269 0999